Tham Hui Xin

July 1, 2022

The weekly lessons had always seemed like a lifebuoy to me. When I felt clueless and aimless about what to practice, the teacher always had some sort of life-saving skills to put me back on track.

Lee Yu Le

Aug 29, 2022

Through out my classes in tick tock beats, I have learned many knowledge especially from the teachers and also from the extra classes like mos and etc.

Thoo Cai Ling

Aug 28, 2022

My journey with Tick-Tock Beats for more than 10 years, it unlocked my interest on music, it was definitely a fruitful journey.

Thoo Cai Zhen

Aug 28, 2022

Learning music in Tick-Tock Beats for 10 years is recommendation in itself. My experience was more than just learning piano, also a journey to discover the beauty of music.

Brandon Wong

Aug 27, 2022

I'm quite happy to learn at ttb because teachers there are friendly and professional on their own instruments.

Goh Le Thong

Aug 27, 2022

我从小学一年级就在Tick-tock Beats学习钢琴,如今已是第十年了。我前后共换过三位老师,而他们的共同点都是耐心及有责任感。

Goh Lok Jane

Aug 23, 2022


Chong Shu Hui

Aug 22, 2022

Firstly, I would like to appreciate TTB for having MOS lessons that allowed me to grab a chance to learn something new.

Nicole Chan

Aug 22, 2022

I was placed into Tick Tock Beats when I was 5 years old. Back then, I never enjoyed playing the piano and was too young to understand the benefits of learning music.

Loo Jia En

Aug 22, 2022

在Tick-Tock Beats 学习钢琴的这8年我学到了很多东西。

Gabrielle Pang

Aug 21, 2022

I have learned piano in Tick Tock Beats for more than 10 years. It is real fun learning in Tick Tock Beats as we can learn extra knowledge with different extra activities.

Kayden Sia

Aug 20, 2022

I joined Tick-Tock Beats since I was 7 years old. I found that playing piano can increase my happiness.

Yam Zie Shawn

Aug 18, 2022

Hi, My name is Yam Zie Shawn. How I feel playing piano at Tick-Tock Beats? Firstly, I would like to say “Thank You” to my teachers “Miss Lee and Ms Low” Lastly, I feel playing and learning music in Tick-Tock Beats is really interesting and enjoying.

Annabelle Wong Kai Xin

Aug 15, 2022

我在Tick-Tock Beat 很开心,上一堂好玩又快乐的课,因为Ms Lee, Kitty 老师和Wan Rong老师教我很多东西,我可以学到很多东西!

Loh Sheen Tian

Aug 4, 2022

我名叫罗女幸 恬, 今年10岁。 我从一年级到现在,已经在Tick-Tock Beats 上了4 年的钢琴课。 我的老师是Ms Lee。还没上钢琴课时,我是什么都不会的,直到现在,在Tick-Tock Beats 已经学会了很多音乐知识,例如音符的种类semebreve, minim, crotchetm quaver 等等。。。也学会弹的歌曲。


July 23, 2022